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客户验厂 >> FCCA
项目与内容 Item
1.0 工厂自我评估表 Wal-Mart Factory Pre-Audit Questionnaire
1.1 工厂简介 Brief introduction of factory
1.2 营业执照 Business license
1.3 公司组织架构图 Organization chart
1.4 (公司)厂区/厂房平面图 Factory's plane figure floor plans
1.5 生产工序流程图 Production process chart
1.6 管理体系证书(质量/不保/社会责任等) Certificate of various management systems ISO9001/ISO4001/ICTE/GSCP.etc
2.1 虫鼠控制/防潮防霉控制程序(制度)及记录 Documented pests/mildew and moisture control program
2.2 利器(刀片,断针等)收发控制/断针控制/验针记录Procedure and records of sharp tools control program
3.1 利器设备校验程序/记录和报告Procedure records of equipment calibration
3.2 设备(生产机器检验设备/工具/备件)List of machines, tools,spare parts and equippments
3.3 设备维修保养记录 Maintenance and repairing records for machine/equipment
4.1 质量手册(质量方针/目标)/程序文件Quality manual/procedures
4.2 客户投诉处理程序及记录Procedure and records of cuslomer including
4.3 产品紧急事故处理程序(包括召回程序)及记录Recall program including procedure and records when applicable
4.4 品管组织架构图Organization chart of QMS/QC
4.5 质量管理体系/控制关键人员职责Role and Responsibility of QC porsonnel
4.6 定期不定期质量管理体系/控制会议的机制及记录Mechanism and records of regular/irregular review/meeting on QNS/QC

潜在危害风险评估(物理异物如金属,玻璃等/化学/微生物方面的危害)Risk assessment to identify hazards from chemicals/raw materials/process/

equipment and tools


控制(生产及产品受物理异物/化学微生物等)污染风险的控制程序及记录(可能对产品或人造成伤害)Procedures and records about control risk of

physical/chemical/biological contamination (which may damage the product and personnel)

5.1 来料检验控制程序Procedure of quality control on incoming materials 
5.2 各种来料检验标准及缺陷分类 Insection criteria (e.g.sampling plan/AQL/defective classification)

IQC来料检验报告/不良品处理(退货,挑选及让步接收等)记录Inspection/test reports of incoming materials including rejected items and concession

when applicable

5.4 来料中免检产品的符合性证书或测试报告Certificate of compliance or test report of incoming materials when applicable
5.5 物料库存/周转控制的程序或规定Procedure/rules of materials rotation control and inventory manegement warehouse (e.g.FIFO)

供应商评审程序及记录(包括初次供应商挑选批准评估及后续定期的供应商表现评估)Supplier Assessment System (including initial evaluation and

regular assessment)

5.7 供应商来料状况统计KPI of ongoing performance
6.1 产品设计程序及记录(适合时)Procedure and records of product design when applicable
6.2 (量产前进行)试产的制度记录及相应的纠正改善措施(有需要时Mechanism of pilot-run and the corresponding CAP when applicable)
6.3 产前会议制度及记录Procedure/records of pre-production meeting

制造各工序包括包装的作业指导书/规格要求,参考样板,批准板,Working instruction/specification/approval and reference sample for manufacturing

and packing


过程质量控制的程序/标准/记录(首件检验,在线检验 ,巡检,抽检,全检.批次检验)Procedure/criteria/records of IPQC(first piece inspection,online

inspection,lot inspection etc)

6.6 过程不良处理机制及记录Procedure of non-conformance control during manufacturing
6.7 过程不良的纠正预防CAP in case of rejected products/lots of semi-products
7.1 终检验程序(可能多种形式,叫法也可能不同)包括FQCOQCQA Procedure of final inspection (e.g.FQC/OQC/QA)
7.2 终检验标准(可能多种形式,叫法也可能不同)包括FQCOQCQA Inspection criteria/specification and reference sample/records of final inspection
7.3 成品不良处理机制及记录Procedure of non-conformance control of finished products
7.4 成品不良的纠正预防CAP in case of rejected products/lots
7.5 成品出货放行机制Procedure of shipment release
7.6 标识及可追溯性:批次标识/日期标 Identification and traceability (batch testing manual/testing records)
8.1 内部测试清单/测试手册(操作指引)/测试记录 List of in-house testing/testing manual/testing records
8.2 仪器校验记录Calibration of testing equipment
8.3 测试人员资质培训记录Trainng records of testing technician

培训的机制及记录(包括入职前,岗前培训,定期培训,包括普通操作员/检验员/工程技术人员)Training procedure and records (pre-work training, onjob

training and regular training) for workers /QC members/technician/engineers

9.2 对熟练工技人员的招聘前的考核Pre-hire test for skilled personnel

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